Welcome to Energy Industrial Machines

We feel that most of our life is nothing but a jolly walk through lots of curtains on a wide stage. Whilst walking by, you never stop pulling them out one at a time in your endeavor to reach the last one that brings you to the front stage. And when this eventually happens you'll have to be prepared for the biggest surprise of your life for, beyond the last curtain, there'll be nothing but your real self...

Well, we're far from pulling out the last curtain of our stage, yet we've past many of them, we've stumbled at times rushing to overpass some and got to learn that the more curtains we unveil the wider the stage becomes.

The beauty of the game is that the wider the stage, the more people could join so your joining us in our running journey to find our trueselves is most welcome. We could then together find the shortest way to the front stage and enjoy its glittering lights...